Saturday, April 2, 2011

He ate the chicken and we got paid with a...

Hey, OK for those of you who don't know.  Last night our wonderful fat cat ate the chicken that we were suppose to have for dinner tonight.  I made it the night before and all I would of had to do is shred it.  Anyway, he decided that his food ion bowl just wasn't good enough and helped himself to the chicken, while he was doing this he inadvertently fed the dogs too.  Boy do those two dogs love this cat.  Well yesterday when my husband comes home from work, he finds a snake.  I will post a picture of it later tonight.  I guess he has paid us for the chicken, except 1. we don't eat what he brings us. 2. it wasn't even dead.  My husband takes a shovel gathers up this gardener snake and tosses it into the woods.  Thanks for reading.  God Bless.

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