Saturday, April 30, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

     Hello everyone, wow this weekend has flown by.  Friday was my daughters field trip where we got to walk in the Puff mud while her and her classmates got to go and pick up fiddler crabs and snails, and a whole bunch of things.  Then they planted grass (marsh grass, it has another name, but I don't remember after that they played a game and then went to a floating dock where they had a chance to catch a bigger crab and see other wildlife.  They saw a bunch of catfish but the chicken neck wasn't done in the water long enough for the crabs to actually take hold.
     After the fieldtrip we went to Publix and I picked up a few groceries:

I got all this for $25.00 using coupons.  I didn't have coupons for everything.  I always try to use coupons for everything, but sometimes it happens.  I can't stand going shopping without coupons though.  It might take a little bit of time, but I think it is well worth it and I think it's fun!
     Friday night skating.  It was awesome even though I had a headache.  Luckily, I took something before it got too bad.  I met some friends there and a new mom I had just met on the field trip (well kinda just met, this was the first time we got to really talk), and my neighbor and her sister bought their kids (They loved it).  Two of my friends signed their kids up for VBS :) yay.  I am so happy that they will be joining us this summer and maybe get their parents to join the church, that would be great too!
     Today, the school carnival.  It was fun the kids had fun.  And now we are all exhausted. This was really neat, they had a booth for nail polish and hair color (spray).  I got my hair sprayed with pink and daughter and son didn'  Thanks for reading and God Bless.

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